3 Tips For Reshaping PCM Cooling Packs

3 Tips For Reshaping PCM Cooling Packs

Published February 17, 2019 3122 Views

Tips For Reshaping ThermApparel PCM Cooling Packs if your packs freeze in funny shapes and you want them flat don't stress, it's a quick easy fix. Toss them into hot water and let them melt. Lay them flat in ice water, fridge, freezer, cold surface or even the snow, if you ha...

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Can ThermApparel Phase Change Material (PCM) Cooling Packs be left in the Freezer?

Can ThermApparel Phase Change Material (PCM) Cooling Packs be left in the Freezer?

Published February 17, 2019 2396 Views

Can ThermApparel Phase Change Material (PCM) Cooling Packs be left in the Freezer? Yes! The ThermApparel Phase Change Material (PCM) Cooling Packs can be left in the freezer. We keep ours in the office freezer and they have been there for months and months with no damage what so ever. Tips...

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Handicap Parking Guide According to Dave

Handicap Parking Guide According to Dave

Published February 17, 2019 1683 Views

If you haven't read Dave Bexfield's blog or been to his amazing website ActiveMsers.com you should stop reading now and go there quick like a bunny! Full disclosure, we are HUGE fans of Dave and ActiveMSers, not only because he gave us a glowing review about our UnderCool Cooling Vest but becaus...

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Study: Benefits of Low Temperature Exercise for MS Patients

Study: Benefits of Low Temperature Exercise for MS Patients

Published February 11, 2019 3066 Views

A few of our customers reached out to us to make sure we saw this article. It's very cool, so cool that we are sharing it here. Keeping yourself cool during exercise is a huge benefit and wearing a cooling vest while you are doing it helps even more. Study Shows Benefits of Low Temperature...

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Diet Tips for Managing MS Symptoms

Diet Tips for Managing MS Symptoms

Published February 11, 2019 1731 Views

Surprising Diet Tips for Managing MS Symptoms Food and beverage choices can't eliminate multiple sclerosis symptoms, but they can make managing some of them easier. Here's an interesting article about this! By Cathy Cassata Medically Reviewed by Samuel Mackenzie, MD, PhD Food is a big pa...

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Is There a Connection Between Fibromyalgia and MS?

Is There a Connection Between Fibromyalgia and MS?

Published February 11, 2019 3182 Views

Is There a Connection Between Fibromyalgia and MS? FEBRUARY 4, 2019 BY DEBI WILSON IN COLUMNS, FAITH OF THE MUSTARD SEED - A COLUMN BY DEBI WILSON. I've often wondered if there may be a connection between fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), and other neurological conditions. Back...

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STUDY: New UK guidelines for pregnancy in multiple sclerosis

STUDY: New UK guidelines for pregnancy in multiple sclerosis

Published February 11, 2019 1621 Views

MS research update -- New UK guidelines for pregnancy in multiple sclerosis Dobson R, Dassan P, Roberts M, et al. UK consensus on pregnancy in multiple sclerosis: 'Association of British Neurologists' guidelines. Practical Neurology 2019; Jan 5. Abstract(link is external) Read the full guidel...

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A Chronic Voice Top 10 Articles from 2018

A Chronic Voice Top 10 Articles from 2018

Published February 11, 2019 1451 Views

We're totally diggin A Chronic Voice blogs and website. So much cool info. Recently there was a blog post of the top 10 blog posts from 2018. It was so good we decided to share it with you. Read More. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. My Top 10 Articles for 2018 (...

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STUDY: Sailing Sclerosis Oceans of Hope Journey.

STUDY: Sailing Sclerosis Oceans of Hope Journey.

Published February 11, 2019 1623 Views

Exploring the online blogs from the Sailing Sclerosis Oceans of Hope journey. "I can do more than I thought I could" Broadbent FJ1, Swalwell JM1. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of a chronic, unpredictable, and incurable disease such as multiple sclerosis can...

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The Importance of Self-advocacy

The Importance of Self-advocacy

Published February 11, 2019 2043 Views

Need to Know: The Importance of Self-advocacy This article from Multiple Sclerosis News Today was so good we reprinted it here to share on our blog in its entirety. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. BY TAMARA SELLMAN IN COLUMNS, MS IN MODERATION, A COLUMN BY TA...

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