ThermApparel Cooling Vests
What are the 4 types of cooling vests?
How does a ThermApparel Cooling Vest work?
How long does it last each time I use it?
Will people know I am wearing it?
How many times can I wear it before purchasing a new one?
Why is ThermApparel the best cooling vest on the market?
ThermApparel Cooling Packs
Why are they not as cold as other cooling packs?
What is the difference between ExtendedCool and SlimCool?
Can they be left in the freezer?
Do you sell the Cooling Packs only?
How can I fix lumpy cooling packs?
How do I care for my Cooling Packs?
Can I take them in a cooler to my event?
How long do they take to refreeze?
ThermApparel Vest Garments
How does the Vest Garment work?
How do I find the correct size?
Do you sell the Vest Garment only?
Is there a difference between Men's and Women's?
Who ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vests help
What are the physical benefits?
I have Lupus. Will UnderCool work for me?
I have POTS. Will UnderCool work for me?
Can I wear it under my Santa suit?
Can I wear it under a costume for theatre or movies?
Can I wear it under my fire suit in my racecar?
What are the symptoms of heat intolerance?
Who suffers from heat intolerance and what causes it?
Why doesn't my UnderCool seem cold?
Why don't my Cooling Packs feel cold?
Will it "sweat" or will I feel "wet"?
How do I insert the Cooling Packs?
What do I do if my Cooling Packs look damaged?
What do I do if a Cooling Pack breaks?
How do I clean up a broken Cooling Pack?
Why are the Cooling Packs so hard to insert?
What do I need to know before I order?
My waist measurement is in between two sizes. Which one should I order?
Where can I try on an UnderCool?
Do you sell the Vest Garment only?
Do you sell the Cooling Packs only?
What if the ThermAparel UnderCool Cooling Vest just doesn't work for me?
Financial Aid and Health Insurance
I can't afford it, what should I do?
Care of your ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest
How do I care for my Cooling Packs?
I am going camping with no electricity. How do I recharge the Cooling Packs?
How To...
How to insert the Cooling Packs.
How to fix lumpy Cooling Packs.