Study Suggests Role for Sunlight Exposure in Reducing the Severity of MS
Published February 2, 2021 1369 Views
Here at ThermApparel we are always on the lookout for Health Tips for Living a Cooler Life, and boy did we find a great one! A new study from Germany found evidence related to how sunlight may influence beneficial immune cell activity. Evidence suggests that higher lifetime exposure to sunligh...
Overheating and Protective Facemasks
Published June 15, 2020 2373 Views
Here in ThermApparels home state of New York and many other states across the country wearing a facemask is and will probably continue to be standard operating procedure as we all work to secure a future free of Coronavirus. As the seasons changed and the weather started heating up we started hearin...
Brain cell transplants repair MS damage in mice
Published June 5, 2020 1720 Views
By Michael Irving May 20, 2020 The research was published in the journal Cell Reports. Source: University of Rochester Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system. Now, a new study from the University of Rochester has shown that its effects may...