Amusement parks. It's every kid's dream to go to one. (Especially that really big one with the castle and the ears!) But let's face it: parks can be enormous, hot, and exhausting. More trouble than they're worth, right? Wrong! Here are our 2 plans with quick tips to ensure a fun, safe and cool time at a park!
Watch Julia, Kurtis, and Brad have fun at Seabreeze Amusement Park while wearing their ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vests.
1. Prepare Your Cooling Vest
Worried about overheating at the amusement park? We have just the invisible cooling vest for you. If the day is going to be a scorcher make sure to put your cooling packs in the freezer the night before so they are frozen and ready to go when you are. Pack your bag. Julia had these items in her bag:
- Extra Cooling Packs
- 3-gallon zip-lock type bag
- Sunscreen
- Small cooler bag
- Water Bottle
- Small hand towel (if you have the room) otherwise paper towels from the bathroom or your shorts work great.
If you are not going to wear your Cooling Vest in the car, but put it on when you get to the amusement park make sure to have a cooler with a bag of ice or ice blocks to keep it cold. Want more info? Check out Part 6 Building the Ultimate Cooling Toolbox of our #HeatIQ blog series.
2. Check the map
Go to the amusement park's website and check the map. Find out where the first aid and medical stations are... just in case you overheat and need help fast.
4. Check the Temp
There are 5 main environmental factors to consider: temperature, humidity, direct sun, other nearby heat sources, and air movement. What is the temperature going to be the day of? This will help decide what kind of clothing and cooling vest you will need. Below is a quick guideline but if you would like read more in-depth details check out our blog Part Four: Environmental Risk Factors for Heat Stress.
The most important number to remember for the average middle-aged person is 80F. Over 80F we begin to become less productive as our body has to work harder to expel excess heat. It's important to note also how temperature is recorded by your friendly local weather person. Temperature is taken with a dry-bulb thermometer, meaning it is exposed only to the air (no moisture) and in the shade (no sun). This means that in many places what it “feels like” will be much hotter than the temperature reading.
Humidity is a measure of water vapor present in the air around you. The more water already present in the air makes it harder for sweat to evaporate off your skin, thus, making it harder for the heat to escape to your environment, making it harder for you to stay cool. Humidity causes a substantial increase in risk of heat-related illness due to its effect on the body's most potent cooling process, sweat. During the summer months, especially if there is an upcoming heat wave, you may hear the weatherperson bring up the heat index. The heat index incorporates humidity with the temperature to give you a better idea of what it “feels like.” For a significant portion of the US, humidity can raise “feels like” temperatures 7-16 degrees on a normal day.
Direct Sun
Direct sunlight can increase the heat index by +10 - 13.5 degrees. So, if you are planning on being out somewhere that has ample shade, a nice wooded park, or a large stadium with covered seating you can probably use the heat index temperature. But if you are planning on being somewhere very open like your kid’s soccer game, or out on a boat you need to make sure you add about 10 degrees to the temperature.
Other Near By Heat Sources
Your direct surroundings will affect the overall temperatures. An "Other Near By Heat Source" many of us don’t consider but it affects us daily are, buildings, asphalt, and, concrete. It’s well documented that cities are hotter than their surroundings due to the thermal mass of infrastructure (+2-5F degrees average, up to +12F degrees hotter in the evenings ). You have felt the effects of this when standing in a hot parking lot.
There can be times when these external sources can provide cooling as well. This is common around large bodies of water like oceans where a current of cooler water makes the local environment cooler than it otherwise would be. Or at higher elevations in mountains, where lower air pressure keeps things cooler.
Air Movement
This is a good factor as air movement actually reduces our heat stress. Ever been to the beach? High temperature, check. High humidity, check. High direct sunlight, check. And yet many times it feels pretty comfortable. That is due to air movement. It’s usually pretty breezy at the beach and this air flow over our skin helps our body expel excess heat without more sweating. One thing to also be aware of are your clothing choices. For example, regardless of the environmental air movement, if you are wearing heavy clothes, PPE, or anything that prevent the flow of air directly over the skin, this effect will be lost.
Rule #1: Know Your Park
Go to the amusement park's website and check the guest services section and FAQ page. Many of the standard questions are answered like....
- Are coolers allowed?
- What are the park's ADA considerations?
- Does the park rent lockers?
- How accessible is the park?
- Where is the medical first aid station?
- How expensive is parking?
- How long does it take to traverse the park?
- Does the park offer fast passes?
- Does the park rent scooters?
- Can you take your own scooter?
Are you going to a Disney Park? Check out our Disney and travel blogs. Packed with tips and suggestions from our customers who took their ThermApparel Cooling Vest with them.
Rule #2: Pack Lightly But Smartly
Most amusement parks offer locker rentals, but they're notoriously small and expensive. It's important to only bring the essentials with you to avoid spending lots of money and, more importantly, hauling around heavy objects all day. Stick to a small backpack that can fit
- Extra Cooling Packs
- 3-gallon zip-lock type bag
- Sunscreen
- Small cooler bag
- Water Bottle
- Small hand towel (if you have the room) otherwise paper towels from the bathroom or your shorts work great.
- small wallet (preferably something that fits in your pocket)
Need help with the ice water, bag and cooler? Watch the video as Julia explains How to Refreeze your Cooling Packs Anywhere or read the blog for more info.
Rule #3: Bring Cash
ATMs at amusement parks are no joke! You might have paid for your tickets into the park with a card, but don't be surprised if lockers or other vendors say CASH ONLY. It's better to be safe than sorry, so make sure to bring some bills with you!
Rule #4: Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is your friend. Drink water! The sun and heat from the pavement is going to make it feel much hotter than it is. Waiting in line for the next ride is the perfect time to take a break and rehydrate. Check out our Hydration Guide for more details.
---> TIP: In the video, after Julia puts the depleted cooling packs into the ice water, you see Kurtis sipping a slushie. Why? He is doing that because slushies are great tools when it comes to keeping your core temp down. So while waiting the 30 min for the cooling packs to refreeze enjoy a slushie and relive a childhood moment and keep your core cool!
Rule #5: Have Fun
Eat the hot dog, and the funnel cake, and drink the slushie. Go on as many rides as you can. If you need a break from the heat go to the games area and play skeeball or try to pop the balloons with the dart. It might cost a few extra bucks but it's s good time to take a break, get in the shade, put your cooling packs in ice water, have a slushie, and let the kids play the carnival games.
This blog is a part of our Summer Bucket List Blog Series.
Check out the entire series to see all the cool adventures you can have this summer.