The UnderCool vest can help reduce recovery time and fatigue

They are even using it at the Tokyo Olympic Games


Written By: David Lyons B.S., CPT, National Fitness Hall of Fame inductee, and Kurtis Kracke, CEO & Founder of ThermApparel

I have been a trainer for more than 40 years. Fifteen of these years I’ve been battling multiple sclerosis (MS) and helping thousands of people with MS do the same through fitness. I have worked with MSers at every level of fitness, symptoms, and physical limitations.

It’s a “snowflake disease” and we are all different in our own way but there are some very common threads that hold us together and make us similar. One of these constants is the fact that inflammation aggravates our condition (causing painful flare-ups) and is not something we want in our bodies. 

"If it wasn’t for UnderCool I could not make it through my hard-core bodybuilding workouts or endure the 100+ degree heat of the desert area I live in." ~ David Lyons

David Lyons wearing his ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest during his workout at his home in California.

David's ThermApparel Cooling Vest of choice:

Festival Bundle
1 Large Black Vest Garment
1 Set of Each Cooling Pack (ExtendedCool and SlimCool)

There is a lot of science behind the connection between inflammation and negative effects on our MS symptoms and limits at the National Library of Medicine. One of these negatives is fatigue. There is no doubt that inflammation leads to energy loss and constant inflammation leads to a consistent fatigue that can be debilitating. 

And most recently, they are using cooling vests at the Tokyo Olympic Games in a variety of ways. We’ve heard referees and reporters are using them to help withstand the grueling heat, and athletes to assist in recovery after exercise.

I have found that when the MS body gets overheated, whether from exercise, high temperature during summer months or from any physical exertion, we become exhausted and it’s hard to function properly. 

So, the question is…what is the solution? In the fitness management protocol for MS we have several keys:

  1. Exercise
  2. Nutrition
  3. Mindset
  4. This leads us to #4…Keeping Inflammation Down. And the best way to accomplish this is through wearing a cooling vest!

It is a physiological fact that if we keep our bodies cool and do not allow them to overheat during exercise or exertion, we avoid inflammation. And if we avoid inflammation, we eliminate the negative effects that go along with it. 

I have tried many cooling vests but they are all too bulky and uncomfortable to wear, especially during a workout. Those cumbersome vests feel very restrictive and impossible to use easily during an exercise session, they are now sitting in my closet. The only one that has never seen the inside of that dark hideaway is my ThermApparel UnderCool vest. 

The UnderCool vest is lightweight, comfortable, concealable, and has 3 hours of cooling with a quick recharge. It has a breathable mesh, low profile straps and is easy to take on and off. The four slim cooling packs sit on my lower back to keep my whole body cooled down yet allowing me to move freely and even lay on my workout benches unrestricted. There is no other cooling vest out there that has the benefits and comfort of Under Cool. 

I have worn my ThermApparel vest for some time now and have also recommended it to my MS fitness community as the only cooling vest I wear and endorse. In a nutshell, if it wasn’t for UnderCool I could not make it through my hard-core bodybuilding workouts or endure the 100+ degree heat of the desert area I live in. If you have MS, like I do, the ThermApparel UnderCool cooling vest is key #4 in your management protocol. This is the only option!


ThermApparel is a small business making big waves in the heat sensitivity world by designing the first lightweight, comfortable and invisible cooling vest, UnderCool. Check us out online, on our blog, or on FacebookTwitter, PinterestLinkedIn and Instagram.

MS Fitness Challenge provides guidance and support to people with MS and fitness professionals worldwide in an effort to educate and train them in the benefits of exercise, nutrition and mindset in winning the battle against Multiple Sclerosis. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions or ideas in the comments below, we will follow up. You can always reach us via:
Live Chat - www.thermapparel.com  |  Email - contact.us@thermapparel.net  | Phone - 855-232-7233 |  Address: ThermApparel LLC. 40 Franklin St. 4th Floor, Rochester, NY 14620

Are ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vests machine washable?

Podcast - The MSing Link with Dr. Gretchen Hawley