Lupus and Heat Sensitivity

Lupus and Heat Sensitivity

Our customer Janeen explains what it's like to have Lupus Heat Exhaustion and how the ThermApparel UnderCool Cooling Vest helps!


Transcript of Video:

Have you ever heard of heat exhaustion with lupus? Well, it is something that is really common. It's the worst, you get extremely nauseous to the point where you might vomit or you might just feel like you're going to vomit for the rest of the day, all because you're outside for 20 minutes in the sun. It is basically where your body cannot regulate its body temperature. And so your body's signaling and telling you I can't do this, I need you to get out of the sun. So you start to get nauseous, you start to have rashes on your neck, your stomach, your back, anywhere. And it's something that has stopped many of us from enjoying our time with their friends and family. So something that's really helpful to help our bodies remember and communicate how to regulate that system so we can be outside we can go kayaking, go hiking, go walking with your family is a ThermApparel vest. You put these right in here in the back. It's a velcro vest. It's really comfortable, and nobody knows you're wearing it. It's something that I've been using for the last three years and I would never go back. This thing is the winner.

May is Lupus Awareness Month! It's an opportunity for the Lupus community to join together across the country to raise awareness of the physical, emotional, and economic impact of lupus. Join ThermApparel this month in helping to spread Lupus Awareness. 

For many Lupus patients when their body has an increase in temperature, it causes their nerves to conduct electrical signals less efficiently. Messages are slower to and from the brain. Heat further slows, and can stop the communication from the brain and spinal cord.

Why is cooling important?

Your body is always producing heat, for Lupus patients that heat buildup is more intense. It’s up to your heart and blood vessels to get that heat away from your core organs. Using a cooling vest makes life easier on your heart keeps you safe and gives you more energy for what you care about.

ThermApparel UnderCool works by absorbing heat away from your body in a concealable, lightweight, and comfortable cooling vest.

Rheumatologist George Stojan, an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School and co-director of its Lupus Center, studied more than 1,600 patients, and he found a relationship between their worsening symptoms and changes in the weather or air quality, such as intense heat or cold, high humidity, wind, and severe air pollution.

“Ultimately, if our results are confirmed in future studies, it is inevitable that rising temperatures and weather extremes expected as a result of climate change will have an effect,” Stojan said, adding that climate change ultimately could be a key factor in treating lupus.

Stojan, who presented his research at a meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, obtained data from the Environmental Protection Agency on temperature, wind, humidity, barometric pressure, and air quality to study the relationship between those factors and patients’ symptoms in the 10 days prior to their visit to the lupus clinic.

“My study is the first evidence to my knowledge that these atmospheric factors affect the expression of an autoimmune disease,” he said. In the study, he noted that high temperatures and wind have been shown to influence the immune systems in other diseases, and could play a similar role in Lupus, although the exact mechanism remains unclear.

Different atmospheric changes had different effects. Rising temperatures caused joint swelling, inflammation of the tissues that surround organs, rashes, and a decline of important blood cells, including white and red cells and platelets. High humidity resulted in joint swelling and inflammation. Air pollution also produced inflammation, as well as new rashes, blood abnormalities, and joint flares (a worsening of joint stiffness and swelling). The wind caused joint flares, lung, blood, and neurologic problems.

Have you heard of LupusChick?

Marisa Zeppieri-Caruana, speaker, author, Lupus Warrior

Marisa has made it her mission in life to help other autoimmune warriors survive and thrive, and she's been doing it for over 10 years. She loves her ThermApparel Cooling Vest read her testimonial. 

Do you have MS or Lupus and deal with heat sensitivity? The heat is one of my main triggers as someone who lives with lupus. I was lucky enough to try ThermApparel's invisible cooling vest and review the product. The vests come in black or white and weight less than 2 lbs with the cooling packs in them! Also, I receive no commission or payment for this review. Learn more at or





Lupus is one of the cruelest, most mysterious diseases on earth—an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body.

Research shows lupus is more pervasive and severe than people think, and has an impact that the public doesn’t realize. 

Some facts you may not know about lupus… ƒ

  • Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body. ƒ
  • No two cases of lupus are alike. Common symptoms include joint pain, skin rashes, overwhelming fatigue, and fevers that last for days or weeks. Most people with lupus don’t look sick. ƒ
  • Lupus can impact any organ or tissue, from the skin or joints to the heart or kidneys. Two leading causes of serious illness and death from lupus are kidney disease and heart disease. ƒ
  • Lupus usually develops between ages 15 and 44 and it lasts a lifetime. ƒ
  • Lupus can strike anyone, but 90 percent of the people living with lupus are females. Men, children, and teenagers develop lupus too. ƒ
  • While people of all races and ethnicities can develop lupus, lupus occurs two to three times more frequently among African Americans, Asians, Hispanics/Latinos, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans than among Caucasians. ƒ
  • While the causes of lupus are unknown, scientists believe hormones, genetics (heredity), and environmental factors are involved—more research is needed to better understand the role of these factors in people with lupus. ƒ
  • Lupus can be expensive to live with and treat. The average annual direct and indirect costs incurred by a person with lupus can exceed $21,000 annually, a higher cost per patient than those living with heart disease, bipolar disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. ƒ
  • Lupus can be difficult to diagnose. There is NO single blood test to diagnose lupus, and its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, vary in intensity, and can come and go over time. More than half of those afflicted with lupus suffered for at least four years and saw three or more doctors before obtaining a correct diagnosis of lupus. ƒ
  • Early diagnosis is crucial to preventing long-term consequences of the disease. If you notice signs or symptoms of lupus, be sure to engage your doctor and ask questions.

attribution to Lupus Health Shop | Natural Remedies for Lupus By a Lupus Warrior


The UnderCool Cooling Vest can help
with Lupus Heat Sensitivity.

Lupus Resource Links

ThermApparel Shop

Lupus Chick 

Lupus Health Shop - Lupus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Authored by Dr. Mary Harding, Reviewed by Dr. Jacqueline Payne 

Testimonial - Jenny - Cooling Vest for MS and horseback riding

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